Smash Legends Tier List: Unleash the Ultimate Power Rankings

If you're a fan of action-packed multiplayer games, then you've probably heard of Smash Legends. Developed by LINE Games Corporation, this mobile game brings together a diverse roster of characters from various mythologies and pop culture, engaging players in intense battles. One of the critical aspects of the game is choosing the right characters for your team. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the highly anticipated Smash Legends Tier List, providing you with insights on the best characters and strategies to dominate the battlefield.

Smash Legends Tier List: Unleash the Ultimate Power Rankings

What is a Tier List?

Before we dive into the details, let's first understand what a tier list is and why it's important. In the context of Smash Legends, a tier list categorizes characters based on their overall power and effectiveness in battle. Characters are ranked from the highest tier (S) to the lowest tier (C or D), providing players with valuable information to make informed decisions when selecting their team members.

Smash Legends Tier List: Unveiling the Strongest Characters

Now, let's explore the Smash Legends Tier List and highlight the top-performing characters in each tier. It's crucial to remember that while tiers provide a general guideline, individual playstyle, personal preferences, and skill level can also influence character selection.

S Tier: The Apex Predators

The S Tier represents the most powerful and dominant characters in Smash Legends. These characters possess exceptional abilities, strong stats, and versatile playstyles. Here are the top S Tier characters you should consider adding to your team:

  1. Dr. Cube: Known for his crowd control and high damage output, Dr. Cube is a formidable force on the battlefield. His ability to manipulate the environment can turn the tide of any match.
  2. Hawk: With incredible speed and agility, Hawk excels in hit-and-run tactics. His quick strikes and evasion make him a nightmare for opponents.
  3. Ruffy: Ruffy's exceptional burst damage and ability to create strategic traps make him a potent force. Mastering his skills can lead to devastating results.

A Tier: Strong Contenders

The A Tier characters are powerful contenders in their own right. While they might not possess the same overwhelming strength as S Tier characters, they can still turn the tables in battles. Consider the following characters from the A Tier:

  1. Ling Ling: This panda warrior specializes in close combat and excels in dealing sustained damage to opponents. Ling Ling's unique abilities make her a strong choice for those who prefer melee-focused gameplay.
  2. Brock: Armed with a rocket launcher, Brock dominates from a distance. His ability to control space and deal area damage makes him an invaluable asset to any team.
  3. Ara: Combining agility with precise strikes, Ara is a formidable character. Her mobility and fast-paced gameplay make her a top choice for players who favor hit-and-run tactics.

B Tier: Solid Performers

In the B Tier, we have characters who offer solid performance in battles. While they may lack the overwhelming power of higher-tier characters, they can still hold their ground and contribute to a team's success. Here are some notable B Tier characters:

  1. Wukong: Drawing inspiration from the legendary Monkey King, Wukong is a versatile character with a mix of offensive and defensive skills. His ability to create decoys and deceive opponents adds an element of surprise to the game.
  2. Diana: Armed with a powerful bow, Diana specializes in long-range attacks. She can snipe opponents from a distance and create pressure on the battlefield.
  3. Lilith: Lilith's control-based abilities make her a valuable asset in team battles. She excels in crowd control and can disrupt opponents' strategies effectively.

Smash Legends Tier List 2022

Here is the much-awaited Smash Legends Tier List 2022 that ranks the characters based on their overall effectiveness and viability in battles. Please note that the tier list is subject to change as the game evolves and balance updates are implemented.

S-Tier Characters

  • Maximus: The indomitable force, Maximus, wields a massive hammer, delivering bone-crushing blows. His devastating area-of-effect attacks and incredible durability make him a true powerhouse.
  • Vesper: Armed with her dual pistols and agility, Vesper is a force to be reckoned with. She excels at ranged combat, swiftly maneuvering through the battlefield and obliterating enemies with her precise shots.
  • Lumin: As a master of lightning, Lumin harnesses the power of thunderbolts to electrify the competition. His stunning control and high damage output make him an invaluable asset.

A-Tier Characters

  • Yuki: With her swift swordplay and icy abilities, Yuki freezes her enemies in their tracks. Her crowd control and burst damage provide excellent utility to any team composition.
  • Dr. Frost: The brilliant Dr. Frost combines scientific knowledge with chilling ice-based attacks. He excels at disrupting opponents' strategies and has a variety of tools to control the battlefield.
  • Rocco: Armed with a powerful cannon, Rocco rains destruction upon his foes from a safe distance. His explosive projectiles and zoning abilities make him a valuable asset in any team.

B-Tier Characters

  • Hikari: Hikari wields a traditional Japanese sword and channels the power of light. She boasts strong single-target damage and crowd control, allowing her to shine in duels and team fights alike.
  • Haru: Armed with a bow, Haru is a ranged specialist who excels at kiting opponents. Her mobility and damage output make her a formidable threat from afar.
  • Jungle Crow: The avian avenger, Jungle Crow, employs his sharp beak and acrobatic moves to dismantle his foes. With his swift mobility and ability to disrupt enemies, he's a solid choice for those who favor agility.

Please keep in mind that this tier list is a general guideline and individual player skill, playstyle preferences, and team composition can greatly impact a character's performance. It's important to experiment and find the characters that suit your own style and strengths.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is the tier list definitive, or can it change over time?

The tier list is not set in stone and can change as the game evolves. Updates, patches, and balancing changes can influence the power level of characters, which may result in shifts in their rankings. It's essential to stay updated with the latest information and adapt your team composition accordingly.

2. Can lower-tier characters still be viable in high-level gameplay?

Absolutely! While higher-tier characters may offer certain advantages, player skill and individual playstyle play a significant role in achieving success. Skilled players can make effective use of lower-tier characters and outperform opponents who rely solely on character strength.

3. How can I improve my gameplay and climb the ranks?

Improving your gameplay requires practice, strategy, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen character. Experiment with different characters, learn their abilities, and adapt your playstyle based on the situation. Additionally, studying high-level gameplay, joining online communities, and seeking advice from experienced players can greatly enhance your skills.

4. Are there any characters that are particularly beginner-friendly?

Yes, some characters are more beginner-friendly due to their straightforward playstyle and easy-to-understand abilities. Characters like Captain Hook and Red Riding Hood are excellent choices for players who are new to the game. They offer a balance of offense and defense, allowing beginners to learn the mechanics while still being effective in battles.

5. Can I use characters from different tiers in the same team?

Yes, you can! In fact, creating a team with characters from different tiers can provide a well-rounded composition. By leveraging the unique strengths of each character, you can cover various playstyles and increase your chances of victory.

6. How often is the tier list updated?

The tier list is typically updated with the release of significant updates or patches that impact character balance. It's advisable to check reliable sources, official announcements, and community discussions to stay up to date with the latest changes.


Selecting the right characters is a crucial aspect of achieving victory in Smash Legends. By consulting the Smash Legends Tier List and understanding the strengths and playstyles of different characters, you can assemble a formidable team and dominate the competition. Remember, while tiers provide valuable insights, personal preference and skill level also play significant roles in your success. So, gather your squad, harness your skills, and embark on an epic journey in Smash Legends!

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